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Feta Barel P.D.O.

The most famous traditional Greek cheese. It forms a significant part of the Greek diet and is linked to history and its traditions. It is made from a mixture of sheep and goat's milk. It has a light salty sourish flavour and a natural white colour. It can be characterized as a "biological product" because it is made from the milk of animals which are fed free grazing  where inteschides, pesticides or other pollutants. It is consumed as a serving cheese, "saganaki" and also in Greek Salad and cheese pies.


Product name: Feta / Protected designation of origin (P.D.O.)
Description: Feta cheese from goat's and sheep's milk of Epirus Region
Package: Wooden Barel
Wooden barel
Metal tin
Metal tin Metal tin Plastic tin
Plastic tin Plastic tin Package Package
Weight: 46kg
14 kg 7 kg 4 kg 4 kg 2 kg 1 kg 400 gr 400 gr
Fat in dry matter: > 43
Moisture: < 56
Storage temperature: + 2° C